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Writing Resources: Lets Share!

The New Year is eight months dead and only four months away from slapping us in the face, so I think it's time we collaborated.

I have a few writing resources I use to keep me 'in the know' when it comes to which literary magazines are currently accepting submissions, looking for some interesting poetry to read, submitting my work, joining workshops, etc.. No one should gatekeep these resources so I'm going to share mine, and if you have any, feel free to share yours! My first hot tip is that you should 100% subscribe to literary magazines you are interested in publishing in. I'm not saying pay a fee. Nonono, I actively look for free places because I make Chinese money and can't often afford western money subs, ya know?

One surprising place I subbed to was the Peter White Public Library. Yeah, I said it-- a library. That thing we all love yet some people want to shut down to limit the flow of information and control what people get to read. Did you know that there are still families in America that rely on libraries to have access to a computer? Anyway, by subscribing to their eNewsletter, I got some pretty cool information on a 3 Day International Chapbook Contest that they hold. Now, you need to register wayyyyy in advance for this, so I missed the registration date, HOWEVER, I now know. And knowing is half the battle...or something.

Now, I did have a post a whiiile back about places I actually did pay for writing memberships to see what the hype was about. The result was meh, though one place did stand out for it's plethora of free online workshop events, the International Women's Writing Guild (IWWG). Honestly, I love them and I would love to resubscribe at some point later in life.

IWWG has great events online that are free and there don't seem to be tons of people attending so you'll typically get some speaking time. They also send transcripts of the workshop afterwards as well! It's super convenient and something I enjoyed being a part of.

Now, this next resource is what I have been using for years to get a good idea as to which places are accepting submissions and when: The Practicing Writer by Erika Dreifus. Over the years her blog has really picked up traction and changed forms a few times. If you happen to be someone who likes to submit any kind of work, whether it's poetry, fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi... she'll usually have a place looking to publish it somewhere in her monthly newsletter. There is a blog verrryyy similar to Erika's called Poetry Bulletin. They do the exact same thing, but you get different places, so it's great for cross-referencing and getting more subs out there!

With all of that said, if you aren't submitting work yet but want to, you MUST make an account on Submittable. Submittable has all the things you need to submit your work anywhere, plus they keep track of your subs and help you 'Discover' new places accepting work. There's no need for me to advertise Submittable, you'll be forced to make an account when you try to submit to any major magazine these days.

With all that said, did you check me out in Potomac Review? Two of my poems 'I'm Sorry' and 'Hidden Thoughts' have been published in Potomac's most recent issue! Check it out here:

Recent links to writing: Check out our Dual Language Learners, English-Chinese. We have: Peter's Day at the Dog Shelter Guided By the North Star

It was a fun project, and we decided to share it! Each line is in English, Chinese pinyin, and Chinese characters. My poem "Placebo" came out as well! Check it out here!

My other links:

To check out what I'm writing on WebNovel:

To support the author (me!):

To see a list of my publications: Here I also have a writing Facebook page here! That I hope to do more with soon. Bye guys! Until next time! -Mea


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